In 2018 the Municipality of Alexander went to a tag system for entry into the waste disposal grounds. Here are some points to keep in mind:
- Every property with a dwelling has been issued one permanent tag; tags are not issued on an annual basis.
- A tag is the only way to access the waste disposal grounds.
- All residents must have their tag visible for the attendants to see when entering the grounds.
- If a property owner loses their tag, a replacement will be provided at a cost of $25.00.
- If a tag is damaged a replacement will be available at no charge providing that the damaged tag is returned to the office.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 204.367.6170 or email us at info@rmalexander.com
Effective May 15, 2022 there is a new fee structure for the Waste Disposal Grounds.

Designated recycling locations are situated at all three Waste Disposal Grounds, just ask your landfill attendant to direct you! There are also ECO Centers located at each landfill site, where you could deposit used oil and used oil products, such as fuel filters, as well as oil and DEF containers. The Municipality of Alexander strongly encourages the use of these facilities.
To know what you can recycle in your community, visit www.simplyrecycle.ca/recyclepedia/ or download the RECYCLEPEDIA app.