The RM of Alexander has an Animal Control Officer. If you wish to make contact regarding dog complaints please submit a Service Request or call 204.809.3231. Please note that this is not a 24-hour service.
When submitting a complaint to the animal control officer you must provide the following information or your concern will not be addressed:
- Name
- Telephone number and/or email address
- As much detailed information regarding the animal
- Owner of the animal
- Detailed location of where the animal resides.
If you have BEAR ISSUES please contact the local district Manitoba Conservation Branch or the Manitoba Conservation 24 hour TIPS Line at 1-800-782-0076.
The Office of Chief Veterinarian (CVO) implements the Animal Welfare Program. The primary goal of the program is to protect the welfare of animals through enforcement of The Animal Care Act in the province of Manitoba. We receive, inspect and investigate animal welfare concerns under the authority of the Act. We would like to seek your support by informing your constituents about this program.
Please contact us if you suspect:
- An animal is…
- lacking adequate food and water
- exposed to extreme cold or heat
- not provided with suitable medical attention if wounded or ill
- confined in an area of insufficient space
- kept in unsanitary conditions
- confined without adequate ventilation
- not allowed an opportunity for sufficient exercise
- suffering, seriously injured or in extreme anxiety or distress
- An unlicensed breeding operation or kennel
You can reach us through the following:
- Animal Care Line 204.945.8000 or Toll Free 1.888.945.8001
- E-mail animalcare@gov.mb.ca
- Reporting form fax to (204) 945-4327
This information is also available on this link: https://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/animal-care-and-handling.html
Josephine Robles
Animal Welfare Program Coordinator