The rich sands of nearby Grand Beach, Victoria Beach, Albert and Hillside beaches call all tourists, campers and cottagers during the summer months. Miles of cross-country skiing and snowmobile trails in the winter excite all wild sport enthusiasts! Check out the Red River North Trail in the Bel Air Forest (see below) for winter and summer exploration. Please click on the link for further information.
Wildlife such as moose, deer, fox, wolves, coyotes, bears and both snowy and grey owls are in abundance in the region's lush, green forests while species of birds and fish are too many to mention. Alexander also boasts some of the best pickerel fishing in Manitoba around several of its power dams.
Alexander is famous for its recreational and commercial fishing. We hope you will enjoy some of the areas on the lake that will provide you with a great fishing experience along with some tips from the experts. With all of the fishing tournaments in the fall and the abundance of fish in summer, we are also able to offer spectacular ice fishing in the winter too! This part of our website is now under construction and we are consulting with our experts throughout the area to bring you the latest fishing tips! If you have some information that you would like to share with us, please send it to
Listed below are all the public boat launches in the four wards of Alexander:
Ward 1 Boat Launches
Yellow Brick Road, Hillside Point Road and Harry Craig Road
Ward 2 Boat Launches
Gull Lake Camp Ground
Ward 3 Boat Launches
St. Georges, Bracken Falls and Ephrem Road
Ward 4 Boat Launches
Fourth Street, Anderson Road, Auglen Park, Still Cove, Tagesen Boulevard, Pioneer Drive and White Mud Falls

Fishing and Boating is fantastic in the RM of Alexander, but if you enjoy activities on land we recommend that you visit the Red River North Trail off Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 59. This portion of the trail is 25 km long trail in the Bel Air forest that was once used for logging and was the only trail to the beaches. It offers a variety of terrain; sandy, rocky and swampy so if you are a hiking enthusiast you will thoroughly enjoy your experience. The Red River North Trail offers approximately 1.5 to 2 hours of driving and exploration. If you stay on the highway, it will take you to Stead Road which is 25 km south, but if you want to explore all the possibilities, the trail system can take you to Victoria Beach, Pine Falls and Grand Beach. The Trail offers many interesting attractions and a variety of wildlife to enjoy.
To get to the trail, drive north on PTH 59, past the Grand Beach turn off on the way to Victoria Beach. You have to keep a close eye on the right side of the road beacause you will miss the trail sign if you don’t. Look for the sign you see at the top of a post. It’s the turn off you are looking for. If you reach the Belair turn off road on the right, you have gone too far. Be careful in the trail system to stay on the designated paths. It is possible to get lost in here and if you run out of gas, it could be a long walk. Remember, the road can get pretty rough at times so come well prepared: a reliable truck, safety kit and spare tires
The wildlife, the wonderful forest, and the beautiful fresh air all make this trail an unforgettable experience and one that you will want to return to over and over again!
We'd like to connect you to others who feel as passionately about the lake areas as we do so we'll be adding links here from time to time. Please check out the Eastern Beaches website page for tourism, fishing, hiking and many other activities in the Alexander area!
If you're looking for great fun on your snowmobile check out the Victoria Beach Snowdrifters website where they boast 200 miles of snowmobile trails throughout the RM of Alexander!
Many activities will be taking place over the fall and winter so be sure to check out our Events Calendar!